Machu Picchu Train

Train to Machu Picchu

The ways to getting to Machu Picchu by train are summarized below. The * indicates the cheapest round trip at $119.

You can combine different trains and class of travel to get the best experience for the money. 

Please bear in mind that the prices are subject to change. The sooner you book a train the cheaper. If you book on the the day before you leave, it will cost more. THESE PRICES ARE AN ESTIMATE. PLEASE GO TO THE LINKS FOR REAL-TIME PRICING.

By train which ever you decide on the class of the train, they all arrive in the same length of time, from the most expensive to the cheapest.

When you go to Machu Picchu you are in fact arriving at the town of Aguas Caliente (means Hot Springs). You will take a bus to Machu Picchu Sanctuary from there. This will run about $23 US round trip.

To compare between the Belmond Hiram Bingham, Vista Dome, and the  Expedition services you can go directly to Peru Rail.

  1. Round Trip Approximate Cost $795  ­– Cusco by Peru Rail on the Belmond Hiram Bingham

The Hiram Bingham is first class all the way. If you can swing the price, this is a once in a lifetime journey. Serving you wine with your dinner is included. If you take the Belmond Hiram Bingham train the best view is on the last car or the caboose, if it is available. They have an outside back porch you can step out into and enjoy the view while you sip your wine. Allow 4 hours on the train.

Hiram Bingham on Peru Rail

  1. Round Trip $194 Approximate Cost ­– Cusco by Peru Rail on the Vista Dome This allows you to fully view the ruins that surround Machu Picchu by looking up through the Vista Dome. I would suggest you only use the Vista Dome on your way and tourist class on the way back. Allow 4 hours on the train.

Vista Dome on Peru Rail

  1. Approximate Cost ­– $ 270 Ollantaytambo to Machu Picchu by Inca Rail  by First Class.
  2. Round Trip Approximate Cost ­$126 – Cusco by Peru Rail on Economy This train is from Cusco. You will have a nice view from your windows on either side. Allow 4 hours on the train.
  3. Approximate Cost ­– *$ 119 Ollantaytambo to Machu Picchu by Inca Rail. There is no service from Cusco to Machu Picchu inn the Executive Class. This is  the cheapest train to take.






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